It will also be great to finish less important tasks, but if not, you may simply postpone them and try again tomorrow. Having a daily to-do list with strong prioritizing allows you to devote all of your attention and energy to accomplishing what is most important right now. Surely, you will see how much of everything you've done while looking for the current page, but it might distract you from what is relevant now and steal your time. There are better options than having an endless to-do list in your notebook too. It is totally okay to finish fewer tasks than you did yesterday. How many tasks are enough for one day or week? It depends on your capacity, opportunities, and how you feel today or this week. That's why a to-do list is such a powerful tool for organizing your life. Even though it's pretty tempting, avoid doing so because you never will see the real picture of what you need to accomplish, and one task marked as done is not an excuse to postpone the others.Ī marked checkbox has a huge psychological effect on how you feel about yourself and what you do. Sometimes, we add things like “ to make a to-do list”, to mark a checkbox easily and have a good start. Or you may divide your job tasks from personal ones. For the first ones you may use the xTiles Weekly Planning template, and for your long-term goals you may try the xTiles Yearly Goals template. You may divide your weekly plans from your monthly plans. Having a couple of lists for different kinds of tasks is better and wiser. If you mix everything concerning your job, chores, and something you promised to your friends, nothing will likely be accomplished fully.

All of those have the right to be called a list of to do. For some, it will be a list on their fridge door, and for others, it will be a quick note on their palm or forearm. For some, it will be a sticky note on their monitor. What is a To Do list, and what can't be a to do task list?Įveryone has their own interpretation of what a to-do list is. Let's check what a to-do task list is, how it works, and what effect it may have on your life if done correctly. Combined with the xTiles simple To-Do List template, they will help you turn your to-do list into the most useful tool.
Free personal task planner template full#
There are certain tricks and ways to turn a list full of gibberish into something that actually works and helps you finish your tasks, and we gathered all of them for you.

So, instead of assisting us to be effective, they lead us astray and distract us from what is really important. Unfortunately, those lists and what we actually need to do are often disconnected. We would write down everything we need to do and then try to stick to the list. One way or another, all of us have practiced to-do list creation. However, will a list like that work and be useful for you? Will a list like that perform its main job? Generally speaking, anything you put on a list of paper or on your phone notes might be considered a to-do list. A to-do list is simply a list of things you need to accomplish during a day, week, month, etc.