#Kids easy sudoku printable colors how to
The puzzle is figuring out how to get all of the pieces on the board without having more than 1 of each picture in each section, row, and column.

Then explain that each section, row, and column can only have 1 of each picture. Make sure they know what you’re talking about. In the easy versions of SuDoKu there are 4 sections, 4 columns, and 4 rows. Sometimes there are mistakes in puzzles and that would not be a great way to start learning SuDoKu. I’d suggest doing the puzzle yourself before doing it with your kids, if possible. By this time, they should have a basic understanding of how to come to logical conclusions.Ĭhoose a puzzle to get started with (I have a giant selection here) and get it all set up. That makes these puzzles a great place to start for grade school age kids who are being introduced to logic puzzles. These easy sudoku problems provide plenty of clues, making it fairly straight forward to solve them without using guessing or complicated strategies. The next step is to walk through a puzzle together. Printable Easy Difficulty Sudoku Puzzles. The puzzles on this page are designed to introduce kids to sudoku style problems, which involve eliminating choices from a set. Present the clues and let them use logic to eliminate the possibilities one by one until they’re left with the one who did it. Maybe there was a security camera that caught the person but all you could tell is that they were wearing a green shirt. One person couldn’t have done it because they were at swim lessons all morning. 9×9 Sudoku puzzles work in the same way, but now we need to keep track of more than twice as many numbers. Give some a try with these easy puzzles samples from the book Easy Beginner Sudoku Puzzles for Kids. Another has chocolate chip residue on their hands. Using tricks like that, you can finish each Sudoku puzzle. Make a list of clues to present one at a time. The goal is that your kids will figure out who did it. Or you can stick with the generic – someone stole cookies from the cookie jar.
#Kids easy sudoku printable colors free
Feel free to embellish your story as much as you’d like. Gather a few dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, etc. If both premises are true, then the conclusion will also be true. This phrasing models the way we use premises to come to a conclusion. Therefore, the last object will also be red.” Phase your conclusion this way ‘All of the objects are the same color. But they’re using logic to come to this conclusion. (this is a red truck, this is a red paper, this is a red mitten) and have them “guess” the color of the last object. Tell your kids there are 4 objects in the bag and they’re all the same color (or same type of object). Gather 4 objects that are all the same color. The first logic activity I like to do is called Guess the Color. Some are more obvious than others but the idea is just to illustrate logic.

I like to walk my kids through a few exercises to show them how to make logical conclusions. Before heading straight for the puzzles, I prefer to explain logic in a more concrete way.